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“The soul is born in beauty and feeds on beauty, requires beauty for its life.”
James Hillman


Jungian Mentor

My Jungian mentoring practice invites the mentee on both a profound and sacred quest, to discover their “personal myth,” in these powerful and changing times.

Weaving together Jungian and archetypal depth psychology with ritual art, it is a meaningful and inward turning journey, in which the “slings and arrows” living in the shadow are explored through dream work, myth, fairytales, symbols, and ritual.


These are the metaphoric and transformative language of the soul; soul sparks and living blueprints, they bring order to the inner chaos and its outward expressions. 


Myths are the living and transformative language of the soul. Clothed in the culture of a people, they are both personal and transpersonal. Embedded in nature and the cosmos, they reveal the stories of our lives within the larger unfolding cosmic story of which we are a part.

When read, re-enacted, ritually invoked, or viewed, myths spring to life, to awaken instincts and impart qualities and styles of consciousness. They point to life’s values and bring order to the inner chaos and its outward manifestations.

As a Jungian and California mestizaI embrace all mythologies, though my passion and research lies in the Mesoamerican~ mythology, philosophy, poetry, and cosmovision. 


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Ritual Artist

Ritual art creates sacred space to give creative expression to dreams, mythology, symbols, visions, and physical, and/or psychological ailments.


Soul-making and soul medicine, my ritual art draws principally from the Mesoamerican cosmovision, mythology, and philosophy, and includes moon cycles, solstices, equinoxes, and Women’s Rites of Passageabortion and postpartum depression, as well Death as a Rite of Passage.


Trained in the limpia purification ritual from the Mexican indigenous healing arts, I offer limpias for individuals, homes, and businesses. 

   "Enchantment is the oldest form of medicine.'
                                             CG Jung

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    Steps from the Mundane to the Mythic


Invoke the Four Cardinal points, the heart of the sky, and Mother Earth, every day~ this is the sacred geometry that unites us with the ensouled, intelligent, and communicative world and cosmos. 


Delve into your ancestral and mythic roots! Read myth, fairytales, and folktales; these are the eternal language of the soul. Living blueprints, they spring to life when read or ritually re-enacted; they guide and resolve our inner conflicts and their outward manifestations. 


Get curious about your dreams!

Like myth and fairytales, they are soul sparks, 

metaphors and riddles. Dreams are the theater of your life. 

They reveal your personal myth within a larger, cosmic, and unfolding story.

Start a dream journal. Write your dreams, 

 sketch them, paint them, collage them, feel them, dance them! 

“Stick with the image,” as Jung reminds, as well as its feeling tones!


Smudge! Choose sacred herbs and/or resins for ritual purification that you love to smell.  

Smudge yourself and home every new moon and full moon, the equinoxes and solstices, before you give birth, start a new project, sit down to work on the computer, or have a bad day, bad dream, accident, or when someone is ill or dying, and when they die. Smudge with stronger resins for the thousands dying, to war, genocide, climate catastrophes, and homelessness! 


Make seasonal altars! Bring in nature. Choose a centerpiece and let all else flow symmetrically around it!


Laugh! Laughter is an attribute of  Oshun, the goddess of love and beauty in the Yoruba pantheon. When we laugh, we spread her love in a world desperately in need of love and beauty.   


Laughter is medicine that springs from the heart~ the birthplace of courage, sacred flame, and seat of the imagination! 

When freefalling from grace, laugh lovingly at yourself. 

Laughter gives us the courage to pick ourselves back up again, to claim our humanity, and release our shame~ not cowered or possessed by it, but exaggerating it with humor, and freeing ourselves, like the sacred clowns of old. Trickster mirrors and through laughter, tricks us into facing our shadow, both personally and as a collective.


Cultivate love. Breathe from the heart. 

Love wisely, bravely, and unabashedly, all of creation, 

from the dust of a moth to the mighty ocean. 

Love is strong and demanding, as Dr. King reminds us.


Get curious!

Be discerning. 


Feed your soul with beauty and nature. 

Read poetry. 

Listen to music, play music, dance! 

Go to concerts, art galleries and museums, Shakespeare in the Park!

Spend time near bodies of water, rivers, lakes, oceans, and waterfalls. 

Give thanks for their great medicine, rejoice, and ask forgiveness for what we have done to the Garden.

Go to forests, and deserts and do the same. 

Hike, walk, stretch 

Speak to trees, birds, and animals, and listen to them! 

Hum and sing out loud! 

Give to community.

Create scholarships or foundations, and/or contribute to those that are dedicated to making these kinds of trips in nature and courses available to all people everywhere.


Do not be afraid to face the shadow-

personal and collective.

Find a wise and compassionate guide on this journey.


Dare to hope! Hope and love are radical in the face of tyranny & extinction.

They must be active, magical, and grounded in action.


Create or meditate on mandalas. They are vessels of wholeness;

our personal god image, they unite the opposites and restore balance

during times of great chaos.

Draw or paint a mandala, or make one in the sand, or from rocks, or flower petals,

leaves, seashells, sand, uncooked rice, beans, corn meal, maize, and/or? 


Create spirals and spiral dances! The most ancient of symbols,

spirals resolve conflicts in nature! 

Imagine spirals in areas of conflict in your life and that of humanity.


Invoke the infinity symbol (the sideways 8.)

It releases what is trapped in your body and psyche and puts you in flow with the undulating rhythm and cycles in nature. 

Give creative expression to the sideways 8, draw it, dance it, with your hips, hands, arms, chest, knees, and/or eyes.  

Cast off the cloak and curse of colonialism.


Call your senators, sign petitions,

take to the streets~ 

for causes dear to your heart– that make you remember your humanity

And place in the human and more-than-human family. 


Another world is possible. Tottering at the end of times, like jesters on a tightrope–

grasp this liminal and kairos moment; it is the 'opportune' moment- for imagining a new world into being- both personally and as a collective! Reimagine the Garden

 and your place in it.  

Reclaim the anima mundi and your dreams!



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