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"Angels above me, Angels below me,
Angels all around me"


The Full Story

Sandra is a Jungian scholar, teacher, mentor, ritual artist, mythologist, dream guide, and

the creator and host of “Blue Medicine Journal: A Jungian Podcast,” a podcast. She believes

another world is possible and views this moment in human history as a kairos, as Jung

characterized it, that is an opportune moment for a change of worldview.

She earned her BA in English literature from UC Berkeley, & her Master’s degree and

PhD in Jungian and Archetypal Depth Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute, where

Sandra teaches a course on Jung and Mesoamerica.

A Contributing Scholar at the Philosophical Research Society, Sandra presents

her ongoing research which casts a Jungian lens on Mesoamerican philosophy,

mythology, poetry, cosmovision, creation myths, and their archetypal wisdom and

significance today. Her courses, lectures, and ritual art workshops embrace different

themes, including the Mexican Day of the Dead. In October of 2023, she created the first

ofrenda installation honoring PRS founder, Manly Hall, commemorating his life and


Her most recent, “Coatlicue: Embracing the Divine Feminine in the Kairos” is a

Jungian presentation and ritual art workshop held in the PRS library, where a finely

carved wooden sculpture of this Aztec Mother Earth goddess stands.

Her online course at PRS, “Jung, Myth and the Archetypal Imagination,”

introduces CG Jung and applies Jungian concepts to explore different themes running

through Homer’s The Odyssey: including a journey to wholeness, rites of passage, a

return to the goddess, democracy as an archetypal potential, and the kairos or opportune

moment at this moment in history.

Sandra facilitates new moon and full moon circles, dream circles, equinox &

solstice rituals, women's rites of passage, and death as a rite of passage. Having studied

curanderismo in Mexico, she also performs limpias, the traditional Mexican

indigenous purification rituals for individuals, homes, and businesses.

More about my life, here, in Los Angeles

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