“The Art of Living Ritual in the kairos, Storytelling, Altar Craft, and Active Imagination.”

Ritual art is created within a consecrated space and gives expression to dreams, mythology, symbols, visions, and active imagination; from a Jungian perspective, these are the living blueprints and metaphoric, transformative language of the soul.
Ritual art includes both visual arts and performative arts such as storytelling and ritual theater.
What is the art of living
Seasons and Moon cycles, Solstices & Equinoxes, the rites of passages of our lives as individuals, and as a collective.
Women’s Rites of Passage, postpartum blues, and Death as a Rite of Passage.
My ritual art emphasizes the Mesoamerican cosmovision and mythology Incorporates the limpia, a ritual cleansing from the Mexican indigenous healing arts called curanderismo.
I facilitate ritual for individuals, homes, groups, and businesses.“The Art of Living Ritual: spirals in the kairos, Storytelling, Altar Craft, and Active Imagination.”

A book and a course
on this topic are forth coming!